
Status Update: Animation Sneak Peek, FreshWomen Season 2 Episode 3 and Forbidden Fantasy Chapter 3!

Hello, my dear FreshMen!

What an amazing week! We had A LOT of progress this week, and I’m very excited to tell you about it!

We’re already getting close to the finish line on FreshWomen Season 2 Episode 3 Part 1! Our new tech has been proving itself more and more groundbreaking, and we’re already reaping the fruits of our investments!

Here’s our current progress summary:

  • Blocking: DONE!;
  • Lighting: DONE, but, a few corrections are necessary;
  • Facial Expression: DONE, but a few corrections are necessary;
  • Cloth Simulation and Polish: 4 scenes done, 3 in progress, 2 to go;
  • Animations: 12 animations done, 11 in progress, 8 to go;
  • Characters, Script and Storyboards are done!
  • Voice Acting is done!

We’re now entering the polish stage head first, and will dedicate the next weeks of work to ensure our content is as pretty as it can be. This means you can expect a new release in a few weeks!

I’m very happy about this improved performance, and we’re looking into ways of speeding it up even more.

Season 2 Episode 3 is really exciting, and this week I had a lot of fun playing it! As I edited the game, and added music and sound effects to our scenes, I could feel the game becoming more and more alive. This chapter is funny, has some sweet moments, and an awesome sex scene with Lily! I think you’ll love it!

Forbidden Fantasy Chapter 3 also had a lot of progress this week, and here’s an updated progress summary:

  • Blocking: DONE!;
  • Lighting: 2 scenes done, 7 in progress, 0 to go;
  • Facial Expression: 2 scenes done, 1 in progress, 6 to go;
  • Cloth Simulation and Polish: 1 scene done, 1 in progress, 7 to go;
  • Animations: 2 animations done, 18 in progress, 8 to go;
  • Characters, Script and Storyboards are done!
  • Voice Acting is done!

The next Forbidden Fantasy chapter is full of adventure! You’ll meet new characters, face old friends and have a VERY hot sex scene with Zhara! Are you ready?

I’ve put a sneak peek of a few of our animations in this post, so you can get a little taste of what is to come! Please keep in mind that these animations are in the preview stage, and this isn’t their final version.

These past weeks have been full of hard work and excitement! We’re gearing up for a lot of releases, and as our launch dates get closer, our hearts get filled with exhilaration!

I’m very fired up, and can’t wait to share these new stories with you! Thank you so much for your kindness and support! It’s thanks to you that we can bring these wonderful stories to life!

See you soon,


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FreshWomen Season 2 Episode 3 Part 1 Alpha, Tech Improvements and Forbidden Fantasy Chapter 3!

Hello, my dear FreshMen!

FreshWomen Season 2 Episode 3 Part 1 is coming on June 7th!

What an exciting week we’ve had! We’re almost done with the production of FreshWomen Season 2 Episode 3 Part 1 and with Forbidden Fantasy Chapter 3!

This week we were focused on polishing the last details, and ensuring everything is ready for the big release. Our Alpha Testers will receive a build tomorrow, and we’ll dedicate a part of next week to debug everything and make final adjustments.

I’m personally very excited about this release. This part is very funny, has a very hot sex scene with Lily and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about it!

FreshWomen Season 2 Episode 3 Part 1 has:

  • 30 minutes of fresh gameplay;
  • 583 Renders;
  • 37 animations;
  • Voice Acting;
  • Sexy sounds and moaning;
  • 720p, 1080p and 4K options;
  • Sweat, Mocap and Physics;
  • HD Maps for all characters;
  • Multiple translations;
  • The beginning of the last story arc of Season 2;

Season 2 Episode 3 Part 1 will also launch with a special discount! Check it out:

  • June 7th - Special Release Pricing: $10 lifetime (with minimum active subscription of $2)
  • June 14th - Normal Price: $15 lifetime (with a minimum active subscription of $10)

Our team is doing amazing work, and this week we managed to find solutions to A LOT of technical problems. We tackled and defeated two big bosses: clothing simulation for static renders and long render times for final animations. These improvements will ensure our artists can focus on what truly matters, instead of being bogged down by clothing clipping and animations taking days to render.

I firmly believe that every technical problem that we take away from artists equals improved performance and better quality, and I absolutely LOVE when we get a win against huge problems like these, that have been bothering us for months.

The future looks amazing, and I’ll look incessantly for even more improvements!

In other news, Forbidden Fantasy Chapter 3 is almost entering its final stages of production, and this means it’ll be available for you soon!

This chapter has one of the best visuals I’ve seen, EVER! Playing it makes me super excited! I look back at how our visuals were at the beginning of the studio, and it makes me happy to see how far we’ve come. Next week I’ll post a few sneak peeks, so you can see for yourself!

I’m very hyped for the future, and honored to be a part of this! Together we’re building something incredible! Thank you SO MUCH for your support, and for loving and believing in our games as much as we do!

See you soon,


95 votes / 3960 weighted votes


Vote for the best screenshots for FreshWomen Season 2 Episode 3 Part 1


Dear FreshMen!

FreshWomen offers a huge variety of scenes with lots of humor, drama, sensuality and emotion. And that's what you'll get in FreshWomen Season 2 Episode 3 part 1!

And to choose the best screenshots for the store page, we'd like your help! Choose as many as you like and comment on your choice.

See you soon,


331 votes / 11812 weighted votes

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5 games uploaded by our partner developers


Hey FreshMen,

This week, our partner developers uploaded 5 games to our store. They will be published next week, as soon as we finish polishing some details. For the next 2 weeks, we'll make it easier for developers to register and submit games.

Stay tuned for more! Cheers, OppaiMan

104 votes / 4093 weighted votes
